Our Approach

Creating a professional financial planning strategy. We make sure we take the time to understand your needs, goals and preferences before we make any recommendations

Creating a professional financial planning strategy

We make sure we take the time to understand your needs, goals and preferences before we make any recommendations. Below is a summary of our client-focused process:

1. Initial Contact

  • A general discussion on the client’s needs, objectives and future goals
  • A brief data capture and summary of personal/financial circumstances
  • Establish details of current plans and policies – this can be easily done by signing an Authorisation enabling us to obtain information on your existing plans

2. Client Review

  • A more detailed review of specific goals and needs
  • An assessment of the clients appetite and tolerance for risk
  • A general overview on some options

3. Preparing Our Recommendations

  • Using the information to hand, we will outline an overall strategy tailored specifically to the client’s needs
  • A review of the market, products and providers
  • Establish a timescale for implementation

4. Discussing Our Recommendations

  • A summary explanation of the recommendations
  • An overview of the fees, costs and charges
  • Confirm next steps to be taken

5. Implementing Your Plan

  • Completion of necessary applications and paperwork
  • This can be completed digitally, remotely or in-person
  • Obtain supporting documentation where relevant (i.e. ID, bank statements etc. )

6. Reviewing Your Plan

  • Agree regular review periods
  • Offer online access where appropriate
  • Confirm points of contact and other resources/supports